Inspiring the Next Generation through "Adopt a Ship"

Recognizing the maritime sector’s pivotal role in the global economy, we have proudly supported the Adopt a Ship program since 2021. This unique initiative connects elementary school students across Greece with seafarers onboard our vessels, fostering meaningful exchanges that bring the maritime world closer to young minds.
For the duration of an academic year, each participating class “adopts” a ship and engages in weekly communication with its crew via emails or video calls. Students are encouraged to ask questions about the crew’s responsibilities, daily routines, and life at sea. Captains and crew members, in turn, share valuable insights into the challenges and rewards of working onboard, offering students an authentic glimpse into the maritime profession.
Through this program, students also track their adopted ship’s voyage on a world map and participate in interactive educational activities led by their teachers. These activities deepen their understanding of life onboard, global trade, cargo transportation, and the diverse cultures and geographies encountered along shipping routes.
The Adopt a Ship program goes beyond academic learning. It highlights the indispensable role of shipping in everyday life and its profound influence on the historical, economic, and cultural development of nations. By raising awareness of the seafarer's life, the initiative cultivates empathy, inspires young minds, and encourages interest in maritime careers—both at sea and onshore.
During the 2023–2024 academic year, three of our vessels proudly participated in the program. We remain committed to expanding this initiative, providing students with enriching, real-world learning experiences that promote the importance of the maritime industry.